

British film and music video director Saam Farahmand has released a film featuring fifty dancers performing at the
intersection of ballet, hip hop, waacking, and break dancing styles to raise awareness for Centrepoint—a charity working to
end youth homelessness in the UK.
Soundtracked by The Prodigy’s fearsome hit song “Out Of Space”, each dancer performs a high octane routine on their
doorsteps in London during lockdown. To maintain social distancing measures, Farahmand did not even leave his car while
Farahmand, came to the project with the idea of documenting problems facing the dance community as a group of
freelancers and artists who need their bodies to work. However, after a few conversations with the dancers, he realized the
film could be used as an opportunity to highlight the plight of people even more severely affected by Covid-19.
“There was a more vital cause that was happening right on those doorsteps [they] danced on,” says Farahmand, “And that is
youngsters in our city who do not even have a door to walk out of from isolation.” The coronavirus outbreak has pushed an
unprecedented number of young people to the brink of homelessness, with Centrepoint’s call center seeing a fifty percent
increase in calls. Not only does the charity help with housing, but they also provide counseling, skills development and career
Name a cause in your city you would like to fight for
34. Make a protest sign and protest.
Assignment One